Monday, September 1, 2008

A hole in the clouds.

Yesterday it rained almost the entire day, which is very unusual for us. This morning we woke to bright sunshine, but only for a radius of a few hundred yards. We are literally sitting in a hole in the clouds, which makes for a beautiful morning.

A day in the Cabezon wilderness.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

A tough day to be a hummingbird

I am pretty sure this little guy would be the first to say that hummingbirds don't like cold wet weather. I opened the door on our deck to take his picture, and I think he was contemplating coming inside.

On the trail of mushrooms (but not really).

One of the nation's newest national parks is located just a few miles north of our house. A week ago we had a chance to hitch a ride into the park, and were actually allowed a bit of freedom to get out of the van and walk around. Basically I had hitched a ride with a bunch of amateur, but serious mushroom hunters. I was looking for pictures, and actually saw elk and coyote, but never close enough for a memorable picture. The best I could do was this butterfly.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A day outside.

Thanks to those who check here regularly, and please accept my apologies for the recent long delay between posts.

This picture is one of several deer I encountered at nearly 9,000 feet (heading back to the Jemez over the via caldera. A little more sun would have been a big help.

The hummingbird post started my day. I started out simply sipping my morning coffee when I realized there was a possibility for a good picture.

The addition in the upper left hand corner is a piece of original artwork by my friend John Toya. I think it fits well, and will look forward to showing it to him.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunflower looking back at Taos.

I saw these sunflowers along the side of the road towards Taos.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Jemez River

Three different pictures of the Jemez river.
These pictures are for a friend, and I hope I got the one she was talking about.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A good dog story:

Today Barb & I took a day trip to Chaco Canyon. I hope to post a picture or two later on. On the way home I finally got to see (with my camera at the ready) something pretty amazing. Two dogs (actin on their own, no rancher in sight) where herding about twenty goats. I don't know where they were going-there was no ranch in sight. I was just going to get a normal type picture when I saw something that really impressed me. The dogs wanted the goats to cross the (pretty much) deserted highway. But, while the goats were crossing a pickup truck came sailing down the road.

I only had time to roll down the window and take a picture from the car-but you can see that one dog stood his ground in the middle of the road, and forced the truck to stop while the other dog hurried the flock across the road. An amazing and brave pair of dogs. I only got a good picture of the dog on my side of the car. (In addition to guarding his flock from the truck, this dog made it pretty apparent to me he didn't care to have me get out of our car while his flock of goats was around). The guy (probably Navajo) who owns the flock & the dogs will probably never know the great job they did for him this afternoon.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wild flowers along a high mountain New Mexico stream

Flower #3

Flower #2
I don't know the common names of these flowers yet, but am expecting to get some good information soon. For now, this is flower #1

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

Life in the clouds.

I took this picture from our deck this morning.

Monday, April 21, 2008

This is a beautiful place for a ranch.

The elevation of this mountain exceeds 14,000 feet.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Night time in the Jemez.

In the morning we will be headed to Minnesota.

A trip into the Cabezon wilderness.

This was a cloudy day in the Cabezon. In the summer clouds will be rare, and the heat can be blistering.