Sunday, August 31, 2008

A tough day to be a hummingbird

I am pretty sure this little guy would be the first to say that hummingbirds don't like cold wet weather. I opened the door on our deck to take his picture, and I think he was contemplating coming inside.

On the trail of mushrooms (but not really).

One of the nation's newest national parks is located just a few miles north of our house. A week ago we had a chance to hitch a ride into the park, and were actually allowed a bit of freedom to get out of the van and walk around. Basically I had hitched a ride with a bunch of amateur, but serious mushroom hunters. I was looking for pictures, and actually saw elk and coyote, but never close enough for a memorable picture. The best I could do was this butterfly.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A day outside.

Thanks to those who check here regularly, and please accept my apologies for the recent long delay between posts.

This picture is one of several deer I encountered at nearly 9,000 feet (heading back to the Jemez over the via caldera. A little more sun would have been a big help.

The hummingbird post started my day. I started out simply sipping my morning coffee when I realized there was a possibility for a good picture.

The addition in the upper left hand corner is a piece of original artwork by my friend John Toya. I think it fits well, and will look forward to showing it to him.